Create new facility.
Facility created successfully
Bad request - authorization or validation errors
Internal error
{- "name": "Facility name",
- "i_am_owner": 1,
- "i_have_solar_production_meter": 1,
- "facility_type": "RES",
- "facility_size": 5.657,
- "is_battery_backup": 1,
- "usable_energy": 2.36,
- "street": "7312 Random Street",
- "apartment_suite": "string",
- "city": "Yorktown",
- "county": "York County",
- "zip": 24567,
- "state": "VA",
- "installer_company": "Installer company name",
- "installer_first_name": "John",
- "installer_last_name": "Doe",
- "installer_email": "",
- "installer_phone": "123-123-1234",
- "installer_street": "7312 Random Street",
- "installer_apartment_suite": "string",
- "installer_city": "Yorktown",
- "installer_county": "York County",
- "installer_state": "VA",
- "installer_zip": 23693,
- "referrer_company": "Referrer company name",
- "system_leased": 0,
- "hostname": "Host name",
- "owner_first_name": "John",
- "owner_last_name": "Doe",
- "owner_company_name": "Owner company name",
- "owner_email": "",
- "owner_street": "7312 Random Street",
- "owner_apartment_suite": "string",
- "owner_city": "Yorktown",
- "owner_state": "VA",
- "owner_zip": 23693,
- "owner_phone": "122-223-3321",
- "owner_county": "York County",
- "registry_id_number": "122-2234",
- "system_cost": 12345,
- "facility_location_type": "Rooftop",
- "aggregate_net_metering": true,
- "colocated_facility": true,
- "cmty_application_number": "string",
- "meter_manufacturer": "AstroPower",
- "meter_model_type": "GTY-7676",
- "meter_accuracy": "revenue",
- "meter_serial_number": 12345,
- "meter_last_date_certification": "2016-08-02T00:00:00.000Z",
- "meter_remote_data_collector": "Enphase",
- "online_monitoring_api_id": 123456,
- "operation_start_date": "2018-10-17T00:00:00.000Z",
- "utility_interconnection_date": "2018-10-17T00:00:00.000Z",
- "reading_at_interconnection": 39.95,
- "current_production_reading": 39.95,
- "date_of_production_reading": "2018-10-17T00:00:00.000Z",
- "comment_box": "string",
- "utility_name": "string",
- "utility_account_number": "string",
- "panels": [
- {
- "number_of_panels": 5,
- "panel_location": "Roof",
- "panel_rating_dc": 240,
- "panel_manufacturer": "Solartech Energy",
- "panel_model_type": "ASC-6M-72-295-3BB (295W Monocrystalline Module)",
- "tracking": "1",
- "array_tilt": 160,
- "array_orientation_azimuth": 35
], - "inverters": [
- {
- "number_of_inverters": 5,
- "inverter_capacity_kw": 4.6,
- "inverter_manufacturer": "SunPower",
- "inverter_model_type": "SPR-4600 (4600W (208Vac) Utility Interactive Inverter)"
{- "url": "/app/api/v1/facilities",
- "date": "2024-04-30 10:02:28 EDT",
- "code": 200,
- "elements": 0,
- "page": "1 of 1",
- "data": {
- "facility_id": 12345,
- "facility_data": {
- "facility_id": 130235,
- "name": "test API facility name",
- "energy_type": "Solar Photovoltaic",
- "facility_size": 1.5713,
- "facility_type": "RES",
- "facility_type_long": "Residential",
- "usable_energy": 12.34,
- "system_cost": 12345,
- "is_battery_backup": false,
- "system_leased": false,
- "referrer_company": "test - Bayer, Jast and Champlin",
- "registry": {
- "registry": "GATS",
- "registry_id_number": "NON00220"
}, - "address": {
- "street": "492 Darby Rd",
- "apartment": null,
- "city": "Yorktown",
- "county": null,
- "state": "VA",
- "zip": 23693
}, - "owner": {
- "first_name": "Isaac",
- "last_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "122-223-3321",
- "company_name": "test name Towne Inc",
- "address": {
- "street": "492 Darby Rd",
- "apartment": null,
- "city": "Yorktown",
- "county": null,
- "state": "VA",
- "zip": 23693
}, - "installer": {
- "company": "test - Conn - Kulas",
- "first_name": "Leola",
- "last_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "987-223-7611",
- "address": {
- "street": "492 Darby Rd",
- "apartment": null,
- "city": "Yorktown",
- "county": null,
- "state": "VA",
- "zip": 23693
}, - "panels": [
- {
- "array_id": 189624,
- "location": "Roof",
- "tracking": "Fixed",
- "array_orientation_azimuth": 320,
- "array_tilt": 80,
- "number_of_panels": 3,
- "manufacturer": null,
- "model_type": "test",
- "rating_dc": 230.1
], - "inverters": [
- {
- "id": 107060,
- "number_of_inverters": 2,
- "manufacturer": "Agepower Limit",
- "model_type": "Agepower AP 20000 TL3-US (20000W (277Vac) Utility Interactive Inverter)",
- "inverter_capacity_kw": 2.23
], - "meter": {
- "id": 113521,
- "accuracy": "standard",
- "serial_number": "SE704",
- "model_type": "Test",
- "manufacturer": "Test2",
- "operation_start": "2024-03-01",
- "last_date_certification": "2024-02-10",
- "utility_name": "Virginia Electric & Power Co",
- "utility_account_number": 234567,
- "reading_at_interconnection": 2,
- "utility_interconnection_date": "2024-03-01",
- "current_production_reading": 12.321,
- "date_of_production_reading": "2024-05-14",
- "remote_data_collector": "enphase",
- "online_monitoring_api_id": 234567
}, - "state_certifications": [
- {
- "id": 181904,
- "state_abbreviation": "DC",
- "certification_number": "DC-426425-SUN-I"