Data Dictionary

Exchange Market Data

Field Type Description
Balance Double "The number of credits remaining in an order. If balance is zero, the order has been fully transacted."
Ccy String Currency
Country String Denotes the country where the credits associated with the voluntary project is based.
Date In String The date on which the order was placed. Orders may be live for multiple consecutive days
Date(UTC) ISO 8601 date YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss
Instrument String CBL Instrument Code which Describes the instrument the order is placed for
Instrument Mkt Name String The combination of the instrument and the market in which the instrument trades.
Instrument Name String The full instrument name
Market String Describes the CBL Market in which the instruments trade.
Order Ref String Order Ref is the current unique order identifier of the order. When an order is edited, the Order Ref is updated. The Order Ref field will always be the most recent unique order identifier.
Original String Unique Order ID of the Original Order. When an order is edited, it will have a new Order Reference. If the Original Order and Reference are identical, the order has not been amended.
Price Double Price at which the order was placed
Project ID String The unique identifier of the project associated with the registry-based instruments. Note that the same project ID could occur on different registries, and will be unrelated projects.
Project Type String Project type as provided by the registry.
Quantity Double The quantity bid for or offered.
Side String Denotes whether the order is a bid or an offer.
SylveraRating String The Sylvera Carbon Rating, which range from AAA to D
Time In String The time at which the offer was placed.
TimeZone(MD-S) String Timezone: UTC
Type String Order Type defines quantity, price, and or function.

AON = All or Nothing, If an order is marked AON, it must be filled completely to transact.
For example, an offer of 1,000 GEOs will not transact when a bid for 999 GEOs is placed at the same price.

Limit or Market: Limit describes an order to buy or sell a credit at a certain price. Market describes an order that will be executed at the nearest opposite order but does not guarantee the execution price.

FOK: Fill or Kill, An order that must be filled entirely within a certain time frame, or it will automatically cancel.

REPORT: An order part of a reported trade (aka negotiated). Orders with Type = REPORT are not visible to the wider market in real time.
ValueTax Double Tax added to transactions in certain countries.
Vintage String "The vintage associated with Voluntary credits. Describes the start date of the issuance of the credits."

Source: CBL Markets

Broker Pricing Data

Field Type Description
MarketDataId String Unique identifier for this data record
BusinessDate Date yyyy-mm-dd
Product String Product name
Term String Product Term
Term2 String In case two-legged instrument (ex. Calendar spread), this field will be populated with the second term
Bid Double Price level of indicative bid
Ask Double Price level of indicative ask
Mid Double Price level of indicative mid

Source: Evolution Markets

Registry Data

Field Type Description
Country String Country the project is located in
Project ID Integer The unique identifier of the project associated with the registry-based instruments.

Note that the same project ID could occur on different registries and will be unrelated projects.
Project Type String Project type as provided by the registry.
Registry String Registry in which the
Vintage Integer The vintage associated with Voluntary credits. Describes the start date of the issuance of the credits.
Date(UTC) String (ISO 8601 date) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss
Methodology(S) String Methodology adhered to by corresponding registry
Project Name(S) String Name of the registered project
Source Project Type(S) String Standardized definition of project type
Volume Issued Integer Amount of volume issued in Tons
Volume Retired Integer Amount of volume retired in Tons